Oyo Innovators Meet Up



A post by Mr. Paul Ojetayo


I had to traveled all the way from Lagos to attend an inspiring Oyo Innovators Seminar organized by the Enterprise Republick , and I can’t wait to share some key takeaways that left me truly motivated by Dr Ifedapo Francis Awolowo.

  • Opportunities Are Abundant: One resounding message from the seminar is that Oyo is brimming with opportunities, and the best part? You don’t always need a hefty investment to start. It’s about harnessing your creativity and resourcefulness to seize these opportunities!

  • Think More, Talk Less: In a world filled with noise, the importance of thoughtful contemplation cannot be overstated. The seminar emphasized the power of thinking deeply before acting, a vital skill that can lead to smarter, more impactful decisions.

  • Collaboration is Key: The concept of collaboration resonated strongly during the discussions. We learned that working together can amplify our strengths and create solutions that go beyond what we can achieve alone. Let’s remember that innovation often thrives in the exchange of ideas!

  • Ideas Are Currency: Ideas are the foundation of innovation, and this was a recurring theme at the seminar. Each of us possesses a wellspring of ideas waiting to be tapped. It’s time to believe in the value of our ideas and bring them to life.

In conclusion, Oyo is a land of opportunities, and it’s within our reach to seize them. Let’s remember to think more, speak thoughtfully, collaborate with purpose, and let our ideas flourish.

I’m excited to embark on this journey of innovation and growth in Oyo, and I invite you all to join me! Let’s make the most of the opportunities that abound. Thanks to Prof Seun Kolade for your generosity and contribution to the Land of Oyo.







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